Tag: Reading

Processed Food

I learnt about processed food and what my opinion is (Processed food is not bad because it does not cause obeisity if  you don’t eat too much of it).

First I read articles about processed food. The first article is about  people from different countrys obesity rates. The USA is first and unfortunately NZ is second. The second article is about 4 year olds obesity rates decling. The third article is about what processed food is. I used these articles to deduce my opinion.

Next I talked with my group if processed food is good or if processed food is bad. For example: processed food is good because it gives energy or processed food is bad because it is unhealthy for us. Our opinion was that processed food is good because it makes the food last longer and if you do not eat too much it does no cause obesity.

I enjoyed this task because it helped me give an educated opinion. I need to improve my fact finding skills by  useing validated websites. I did well at establishing my opinion while being open to others opinions.

Prior Knowledge

LI: to make connections between a text and our Prior Knowledge.

We learned about prior knowledge. Prior knowledge is information we already know about a subject.

First we talked about our prior knowledge about drums  I know  that some times  drums  are used in bands.

Last we talked about our prior knowledge  of the south pasific I know that the south pasific chas islands like Fiji  and Samoa.

I enjoyed hearing evreybodys prior knowledge. I need to learn more about the south pasific. I am good at useing my prior knowledge to make connections with the subject.

Ferry ride /Reading

We learned how to identify  keywords  and  summarise using those keywords.

First we read page  one as a group  and we found keywords.

Next  we found informashon (where, what , who why, and how ) then we wrote the fifteen word sentences.

Last we repeted the steps for every page.

I enjoyed the challenge of making sure there was fiften  words in each sentence. I think I should  improve on of making sure that I think I did a good job at making shore that  there were fifteen words in each sentence

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