Tag: Maths

Gala Word Problems

We are having a gala soon and my teacher thought that this could help us when we have our gala when we are selling our stuff.

We got to choose our partner but we had to change once we everyone was done because it would take everyone half an hour so when we got on the floor we had to listen to the teacher for the next thing to do we had to change our partners for this one it was a bit harder so we got paper to help us we were able to get to the next one it very cool we were able to get to the next one faster.

Why Does Salt Make Ice Melt Faster – Kitchen Chemistry

We are learning all about kitchen chemistry and experiments.

First, we made our science expriment, to see which of our three pieces of ice would melt faster under different circumstances. One of our ice pieces was wrapped in ice, one in covered in salt and one without anything on it. We observed and found that the one with salt melts faster.

Then, we filled in our sheet about what our hypothises what we thought would happen, then we filled in the section for the instructins, and finnaly our observation about what we found interesting.

Lastly, I did my resarch and found out why the ice melted faster covered in salt and why the tinfoil worked as insulation.

Bar graphs and Tally Charts

We are learning how to record information using bar graphs and tally charts.

First, we made all of the tally charts. Tally charts record information by showing how many in an amount of lines.

Then, we made all the bar graphs. Bar graphs record information by visually showing how much of something there is using shapes- The bigger the shape the more there is .

Lasly, we checked our information to make sure it was all accurate. 

I enjoyed this task because I found out more about my classmates. I need to improve on finding more interesting questions. I did well at making it fast.

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