Category: Ako | Learn

Why Does Salt Make Ice Melt Faster – Kitchen Chemistry

We are learning all about kitchen chemistry and experiments.

First, we made our science expriment, to see which of our three pieces of ice would melt faster under different circumstances. One of our ice pieces was wrapped in ice, one in covered in salt and one without anything on it. We observed and found that the one with salt melts faster.

Then, we filled in our sheet about what our hypothises what we thought would happen, then we filled in the section for the instructins, and finnaly our observation about what we found interesting.

Lastly, I did my resarch and found out why the ice melted faster covered in salt and why the tinfoil worked as insulation.

Bar graphs and Tally Charts

We are learning how to record information using bar graphs and tally charts.

First, we made all of the tally charts. Tally charts record information by showing how many in an amount of lines.

Then, we made all the bar graphs. Bar graphs record information by visually showing how much of something there is using shapes- The bigger the shape the more there is .

Lasly, we checked our information to make sure it was all accurate. 

I enjoyed this task because I found out more about my classmates. I need to improve on finding more interesting questions. I did well at making it fast.


We revised T-Ball and some T-Ball skills.

First, we played a game where we had to hit the bat and run up and down repeatdly to a cone and back to the T stand.

Next, we played a real game of T-Ball.

Lastly, weswaped groups and did it again, the feilders had to get the ball on the T before they got back.

I enjoyed hiting the ball far.I need to improve on hitting the ball on my first try. I did well at running to two safe places and skipping one safe place.

Processed Food

I learnt about processed food and what my opinion is (Processed food is not bad because it does not cause obeisity if  you don’t eat too much of it).

First I read articles about processed food. The first article is about  people from different countrys obesity rates. The USA is first and unfortunately NZ is second. The second article is about 4 year olds obesity rates decling. The third article is about what processed food is. I used these articles to deduce my opinion.

Next I talked with my group if processed food is good or if processed food is bad. For example: processed food is good because it gives energy or processed food is bad because it is unhealthy for us. Our opinion was that processed food is good because it makes the food last longer and if you do not eat too much it does no cause obesity.

I enjoyed this task because it helped me give an educated opinion. I need to improve my fact finding skills by  useing validated websites. I did well at establishing my opinion while being open to others opinions.

Whale Tail

We are making whale tail because of the declin of whales

First I learned about whales and why there declining  in a articals.

Then I created a digitale whale tail.

Lastly we explaned what our whale tail repusentes.

I enjoyed learning about whales.I need to improve on making digitale one.I did well at understanding why whales are in declin.


We are learned  to step an aponment.

First we learned how to step somone.

Then we raced and we had to step a cone then we levled up to having to step two cones.

Lasly we played a game of octupus in a small area to practece steping because when you got trapped by a tagger you had to step them to get away.

I enjoyed the game of octupus. I did well at the race. I need to improve on steping fast.


I  learned  the differince betweengroups of x and x groups.

First we practiced with counters groups of x and x groups and  we learned that x means any numbers.

Then we took photos of counters that have groups of x and x groups.

Lastley I wrote headings on each slide.

I did good at identifying the diffrence between groups of x and x groups. I enjoyed identifying groups of x and x groups.

I need to improve on focacing on getting the groups done quickly.

My Imagenetive Recount

I wrote a imagentevie  recount about Zombies.

First I planed my revel and my event one two and three.

Next I wrote my revel.

Then I wrot event one event two and event three.

Lastley I wrote my charictors persanal thoughts and feelings.

I did good at sticking to the planing. I enjoyed using interesting words and punctuation. I need to improve on making my events longer.

Commanding Conversashon

I learnt to write a conversation.

First I wrote a conversation about an image.

Next I thought about a story that would conect with the image.

After I wrote a sentence for each charater.

Lastly I added punctuation and changed words into more interesting words.

I enjoyed this because it is fun making up a sentence that people can relate to. I did good at using intresting words. I need to improve on using punctuation.

T Ball Skills

We learened and revised  differant  T ball skills.

First we ran a relay game to revise moving from base to base.

Next coach camron thought  us how to swing a T ball bat then we played  a T ball  game to practice swinging the batt.

Lastley we switched feilding  teams.

I enjoyed learning how to  batt a ball. I need to improve on running faster  when I am feilding . I did good at   being fast and making it from base to base quickly and fast.