Category: Hanga | Create

Whale Tail

We are making whale tail because of the declin of whales

First I learned about whales and why there declining  in a articals.

Then I created a digitale whale tail.

Lastly we explaned what our whale tail repusentes.

I enjoyed learning about whales.I need to improve on making digitale one.I did well at understanding why whales are in declin.

PE Ki O Ruhi

We are learning to throw, pass, catch and we revised how to step an aponent.

First we  revised how to step someone  by playing a game of octupus in a small area.

Next we made a triangle and passed  the ball around, to pass the ball you pass from the chest we also did a compatishtion wich the first one to get to twenty wins then we levled up to first one to therty.

Lastley  we played a game that we stod  in a sercal and passed the ball around again first one to twenty.

i enjoyed this because I want to improve on Ki O Ruhi. I need to improve on steping. I did well at passing and cathing the ball.

Ki O Rahi

I leaned bacic Ki O Rahi rules and areas like Te Ara.

First I watched a video about the legend and history of Ki O Rahi.

Then I played a warm up game called rats and rabbits. 

Lastly we played a game where the coach said an area and we ran to it.

I enjoyed running to different areas. I did well at finding the areas. I need to improve on remembering the rules. 


Te Reo Maori

We are learnig how to identify numders in maori, for example rua tekua ma wha means twenty four.

First she asked in te reo homai te kingi.

Then she did the same thing with numbers.

Lastly we put two or three numbers together and said that number in maori.


Tipes of Audiences

Audiences are groups of people who receve messages or information . There are three diferent catagores  of  audiences Indevidual Groups and Everyone.

An Indivdual audiences   is a communicatin with one singal person

A Group  audiences  is  communicating  with a group of people

A Everyone audiences  is  every one in the whole world can see.

Apps help people communicate easly diffrent apps help peole communicate with differnt audiences.

Soccer Skills 2

We revised swoccer skilll

First we  and got into a triangle and kicked the ball around the triangle.this was practicing passing and stoping.

Next we got into a poseshon were two pepole stode in a line and one person stode at the other end we kicked it to eachother after you kick you run to the other end.

Lastley I played a game were your team kicked the ball  around in a sercal moving closser to another team to tag them.

I enjoyed kicking the ball in a triangle. I did well at passing the ball. I need to inprove on stoping with the inside of my foot.

Soccer Skills

We are learning soccer skills.

First we learnt how to dribble a soccer ball.  You need to keep the ball close to you and use the inside of your foot.

Next we were split into two teams and we practised passing to eachother.

Then we learned how to stop the ball you can  put your foot on top of  the ball  or you can use the inside of your foot and tap the ball.

Lastly we played a game and  we were split into four groups and had to pass the ball a eight times.

I enjoyed passing the ball. I did well at stopping the ball. I need to improve on dribbling the ball.


The Djembe

The djembe is a african drum.

First I loooked up what is a djembe and I found out some interesting facts.

Next I wrote them down on my slide.

Then I found some imadges and a video then put those imadges into a diffrent slide.

Lastley I put my information sources.

I did good at finding iteresting facts. I enjoyed finding interesting facts. I need to improve on using better information sources.

Hockey Skills

Today we learned four different type of hockey skills.

First we learned how to hold the hockey stick.  You have to put your  right under the grip and you put your left hand at the top of the grip.

Next we learned how to dribble the ball. First you had to losen your right hand grip then rotate your left hand  half way anti clock wise.

Then we learned how to pass the ball. Ther is the sweep pass   then the push pass the sweep pass has a further distence then the push pass.  To do the push pass you need to the put the ball inline with your foot then push with the flat side of the hockey  stick.

I enjoyed  when we had to hit the cone with the ball. I need to work on my dribbling, but I did a good job at at the sweep pass.

About Me 2022


My name is Myah. I am interested in times tables at school. Outside of school, I am interested in diamond art.

One of my goals this year is to complete 100 blogs.