Poem Postcards – Kick Start

Today I let Google AI create a poem on a postcard.

I chose the image because it looks like a phenomenal place to be on holiday and I just love the beutiful scenary.

I would send this postcard to my Mum because this place reminds me of her.

One thought on “Poem Postcards – Kick Start

  1. Mōrena Myah,

    This is such a fun activity as I love poetry and love collecting postcards!! My favourite type of poetry is haikus and tankas, they are old Japanese forms of poetry used to describe emotions and nature. What is your favourite type of poetry?

    I love the art you have chosen, it is such a beautiful scene! I wonder where it is? I think your poem is beautiful and how cool that it was AI generated. How did that work? Did you give the AI any prompts or did it just use the art selected as a prompt?

    How lovely that you would send this to your Mum, what in the painting reminds you of her?

    Ngā mihi nui,
    Zana Yates