Grove Pizza

Today the Summer Learning Journey challange was to make music useing the website Grove Pizza.

First, I used the sound Billie Jean.

I then Changed some of the shapes and added more by connecting the dots.

Lastly, I did some finishing touches, and vuala it was done.

I enjoyed this task because I used creativitey to creat sounds.

One thought on “Grove Pizza

  1. Mōrena Myah,

    It is so great to see you starting off your summer learning journey with one of my favourite activities!!

    I love the Groove Pizza activity because I use it in my classroom to teach my kids some cool musical coding skills and they make the most awesome beats.

    It looks like you had a lot of fun making this beat and it does sound awesome, my favourite bit has got to be the “ting, ting” sound, what instrument do you think makes that sound?

    I look forward to seeing your step it up post, I hope you have come up with an awesome DJ name?

    Ngā mihi nui,
    Zana Yates