
This week for Athletics all of the classes did different activities.

First for LS1 We had to do discus. Discus is where someone holds a heavy disc in there hand whether there left or right handed. The point of the game was who ever through the fairest.

Next we moved onto shot put, shot put is basically where you would a 10 kg metal ball and have to through it but that’s not what all you have to do. You have to hold the ball with your fingers but not pale it’s called dirty fingers and clean palm. The main objective of shot put is to get the fairest just like discus but instead of throwing it you have to push it.

Then my group did high jump. High jump is where the left and right side has to jump over different stages on levels to get higher and higher until you win. To win you need to get past 3 or 4 stages of high but if you get disqualified you are out of the game.

Lastly we had to do sprints. The junior classes did heats and the other classes did normal sprints finals and my personal favorite the relay races.