Month: December 2023

Grove Pizza

Today the Summer Learning Journey challange was to make music useing the website Grove Pizza.

First, I used the sound Billie Jean.

I then Changed some of the shapes and added more by connecting the dots.

Lastly, I did some finishing touches, and vuala it was done.

I enjoyed this task because I used creativitey to creat sounds.

Moari Superhero

Name: Moana Puapua [ real name Anahera Mata Kai Kutu ]

Sidekick: Taniwha 

World they live in: Rivers/seas around caves and native bushes along the shore in new zealand.

Family connection: Wao Puapua [sister]  

Enemy: humans[ excluding her Father].

Powers: Water bending. The ability to cleanse the area around her        [ water and land] super fast swimming and being able to talk to animals.

Love intrest: Tangaroa

Weaknesses: Fire/Lava and sharp objects               [ excluding crystals]

Weapon: Karaihe o te moana [ crystal of the sea]

Challenges they face: The great garbge patch

Transportation:  fast swimming and running 


This week for Athletics all of the classes did different activities.

First for LS1 We had to do discus. Discus is where someone holds a heavy disc in there hand whether there left or right handed. The point of the game was who ever through the fairest.

Next we moved onto shot put, shot put is basically where you would a 10 kg metal ball and have to through it but that’s not what all you have to do. You have to hold the ball with your fingers but not pale it’s called dirty fingers and clean palm. The main objective of shot put is to get the fairest just like discus but instead of throwing it you have to push it.

Then my group did high jump. High jump is where the left and right side has to jump over different stages on levels to get higher and higher until you win. To win you need to get past 3 or 4 stages of high but if you get disqualified you are out of the game.

Lastly we had to do sprints. The junior classes did heats and the other classes did normal sprints finals and my personal favorite the relay races.

PBS Market Day

This year in term 4 PBS school had a market day.

First I had to go on the mat and  listen for instructions then I had to make a copy of the can DLO so I can put my design on it.

Then I had to put to two layers of paper on it before I put my design on and I had to get it printer out and when I got my design I had to put it on my can.

Next I had to put some decorations on it so it can look good for my gala  I put some golden tape around the top so they can not see the white paper on it and I had to put paper inside it my paper was green and I had to put paper on the bottom.

Last I did a blog for it.

I did well at my Blog. I enjoyed  Making my  product.

High Jump- Kelly Sport

This week we did High Jump for Kelly Sport.

First we did some warm ups like scissor kicks and jumping jacks.

Next, we  did our high jump the first time we did not use a pole because we were just practicing.

Lastly, we played a game of tail tag.