Making My Parents Berakfast In Bed

Today I made my mum and dad brekfast in bed.

First, I made the pancake mixture useing some indgrideints I had in my kitchen this is where I got the recipe.

I put two table spoons of the batter into my pan which was lightly greased with melted butter. As the baked I made started to make my mum and dad their coffee’s making sure to oftenly check on my pancakes.

Then, once bubbles started to form I flipped my pancakes, when they had fineshed baking they looked like a golden brown couler.I stacked three on each plate I then proceded to pour some cream into a small bowl and hand whipped the cream with a wisk for two minutes as I was whisking I added a pinch of icing sugar.

Lastly, I thinnley chopped some banana an placed it on top of the pancakes and as the finishing touch I drizzeld some maple syrup over the pancakes.