Month: April 2023


We learned some more ANZAC related words.

First, we found the proper definition of the words from a dictonary.

Then, we defined them in our own words.

Lastly, we found a picture that matches each word.

I enjoyed this task because it expanded my vocabulary. I need to improve on using more detail. I did well at being fast.

Anzac Quterfoil

We created Anzac Quatrefoil.

First Miss White explained what we had to do .

Next I drew the designs on my Quatrefoil. I coloured my purple because it represents sacrifice. And when I finished my background I moved on with clipart and shapes. My shapes were a Cross, soldier and rosmary why i chose these are  on my DLO down below.

Lastly I had to write down why I chose the Colours, Symbol and Shapes. I wrote why I picked the Colours, Symbols and clipart.

I enjoyed creating the Anzac Quatrefoil because it was unique. I did well drawing my soldier shiluette. I would like to improve on finding more interesting reasons for my shapes and symbols.


This week me and my group did a Google Slide doccument on what soldiers diets were when they were going to war.

First we used a jambord and had to research to answer the qustions, after that we had to make a google slide about the soldiers diet.

Next when we were doing our google slides we had to do  our title and then make the slides.

Lastly we were done and then we had to check with a teacher to make sure it was correct.

I enjoyed doing the task because I learned more about the people who died for me  . I did well on the jamboard. I need to improve on working better with my group.

Bar graphs and Tally Charts

We are learning how to record information using bar graphs and tally charts.

First, we made all of the tally charts. Tally charts record information by showing how many in an amount of lines.

Then, we made all the bar graphs. Bar graphs record information by visually showing how much of something there is using shapes- The bigger the shape the more there is .

Lasly, we checked our information to make sure it was all accurate. 

I enjoyed this task because I found out more about my classmates. I need to improve on finding more interesting questions. I did well at making it fast.