Day: February 28, 2023

My Vision Board


 I created a vision which had my goals for the future.

First, I created a DLO with a template for the images.

Then, I found some images that represent some of the things I want to achieve in the future.

Lastly I fixed the format and changed some things then I was done. 

Treaty Of Waitangi Fact Sheet

We chose someone who was important in the signing of the treaty to write a fact sheet.

First I chose a historical person to write a fact sheet about.

Then I read some articles about it to extend my understanding about him and the treaty of Waitangi.

Lastly, I wrote all the information down onto my fact sheet, did some fact checking and I was done.

I enjoyed this task because I learned more about the treaty of Waitangi and James Busby. I felt interested in James busby. I did well at finding interesting facts about James Busby.  I need to improve on finding a little bit  more information 


Class Rules

I made an animation to remind everyone in our class of the  expectations which included rules like staying on task, being kind and respecting others, and looking after your chromebooks.

First, I wrote a class rule then I added an animation to it. At first I made them appear then disappear but in the end I chose for them to appear one by one and in the end there would be the full list of rules.

Then, I added details like the sparkles and fonts to make it eye catching and intriguing.

Lastly, I put all the animations together and it ended up pretty nice.

I enjoyed this activity because I believe that if people are interested in the presentation they will actually read it. I felt happy to recreate our class rules list.