Month: December 2022

Picture Reacreation

I reacreated a historical picture.

First I created the props which where cat, neck peice and septure useing a stick and some paper.

Then I compleated the props and placed them in their position.

Lastly I took the picture.

I enjoyed posing. I did well at making the props.

This is the picture I recreated

Commanding Conversation

I wrote a conversation for an image.

First, I thought  carefully about what this image should represent.

Next, I wrote their name and thought about what I should write.

Lastly, I wrote down what I wanted them to say.

I enjoyed using my imagination. I did well at finding out what my characters should say. I need to improve on being more specific. 

Interactive Quiz

We were working on an interactive quiz.

First we planned everything out, all the steps and who is going to do what.

Next we started reasearching  information. For example, like the users, the purpose, stakeholders and more information about the shuttle orbiter.

Lastly we added the answers and the wrong answers. As well as the links for them.

I enjoyed this because I got to make a quiz. I did well  finding interesting questions. I need to improve on finding information.


I learned how to tell temperature by using degrees. The boiling point is 100 degrees and the freezing point is 0 degrees or lower.

First I discussed in my group how to check the temperature for weather, water, sun, food and other stuff.

Next I did a template of addition. It adds when it rises up and it falls when its going down.

Lastly I did a DLO, explaning what is the hottest place on earth and the coldest place on earth.

I enjoyed doing the DLO. What I did well was to add and subtract.

Design Transportaition

I designed a form of transport and wrote an explanation.

First, I finished my lables on my DLO to complete my design. My transport was air and sea I combined an airplane with with a submurine.

Next, I wrote an introduction about my design including  why I designed this vehicle.

Lastly, I wrote an explanation about my form of transport ncluding how it will help society.

I enjoyed designing this vehicle. I did well at finding thigs that will make my vehicle better i

Comment Threading

I created a comment thread with Miley.

A comment thread is a conversation about learning using your blog comments section.

To do a comment you need to reply to somebody who commented on your blog. After you have replied, the first person will reply again, until you have created a conversation.

To make a good comment you need to have a greeting, a helpful comment, a positive comment, a question, a thoughtful comment, and a connection.

My Design

I designed a form of transport with multiple locations it can transport on.

First, I found the pieces  we need to have. We also made a pros and cons list and used the cons of an aeroplane and a  submarine to create a better version of both of them combined.

Next, I drew it on a paper and a google doc.

Lasly, I labelled my drawing some of the points were hydro skis, propeller and telescopes.

I enjoyed using my imagination. I did well at finding things that will make it better.


HPE Mini Obsticle Corse

I did a mini obstacle course with zig zag running cones, Hurdles, five star jumps , sprints and skipping.

First, my class ran the zig zag cones and jumped the hurdles .

Then my class did five star jumps, ran the sprints and the skipped with the skipping rope.

Lastly, my class played infinity tag my class had to tag someone and if we got tag the could run again.

I enjoyed playing infinity tag. I did well at the zig zag run. I need to improve on skipping fast.


The structure of an information report is TIIC, an information report is used to inform somebody what something is.

  1. First, you need to write a title. The title tells peoplen what the topic is.
  2.  you need to write the introduction. The introduction tells the reader what the information is going to be about and when it is going to happen .
  3.  write the information. The information is the body of the text, the information needs to be about what you said in the introduction.
  4. Lastly, you need a conclusion, a conclusion is telling why the topic is important you are writing .

Comment Threading

I created a comment thread with Keira.

A comment Thread is conversation about Learning how to use your blog comment section.

To create a comment you need to start by engaging a learning conversation or reply to someone who has commented on your blog. After you have engaged or replyed  to a conversation the first person will reply then you will reply until you have started a conversation.

To make a good comment you need to have a greeting, a helpful comment, a positive comment, a question, a thoughtful comment, and a connection.