Month: April 2022

The Djembe

The djembe is a african drum.

First I loooked up what is a djembe and I found out some interesting facts.

Next I wrote them down on my slide.

Then I found some imadges and a video then put those imadges into a diffrent slide.

Lastley I put my information sources.

I did good at finding iteresting facts. I enjoyed finding interesting facts. I need to improve on using better information sources.


I  learned  the differince betweengroups of x and x groups.

First we practiced with counters groups of x and x groups and  we learned that x means any numbers.

Then we took photos of counters that have groups of x and x groups.

Lastley I wrote headings on each slide.

I did good at identifying the diffrence between groups of x and x groups. I enjoyed identifying groups of x and x groups.

I need to improve on focacing on getting the groups done quickly.

My Imagenetive Recount

I wrote a imagentevie  recount about Zombies.

First I planed my revel and my event one two and three.

Next I wrote my revel.

Then I wrot event one event two and event three.

Lastley I wrote my charictors persanal thoughts and feelings.

I did good at sticking to the planing. I enjoyed using interesting words and punctuation. I need to improve on making my events longer.

Commanding Conversashon

I learnt to write a conversation.

First I wrote a conversation about an image.

Next I thought about a story that would conect with the image.

After I wrote a sentence for each charater.

Lastly I added punctuation and changed words into more interesting words.

I enjoyed this because it is fun making up a sentence that people can relate to. I did good at using intresting words. I need to improve on using punctuation.

T Ball Skills

We learened and revised  differant  T ball skills.

First we ran a relay game to revise moving from base to base.

Next coach camron thought  us how to swing a T ball bat then we played  a T ball  game to practice swinging the batt.

Lastley we switched feilding  teams.

I enjoyed learning how to  batt a ball. I need to improve on running faster  when I am feilding . I did good at   being fast and making it from base to base quickly and fast.