Day: March 18, 2022

Prior Knowledge

LI: to make connections between a text and our Prior Knowledge.

We learned about prior knowledge. Prior knowledge is information we already know about a subject.

First we talked about our prior knowledge about drums  I know  that some times  drums  are used in bands.

Last we talked about our prior knowledge  of the south pasific I know that the south pasific chas islands like Fiji  and Samoa.

I enjoyed hearing evreybodys prior knowledge. I need to learn more about the south pasific. I am good at useing my prior knowledge to make connections with the subject.

Simple Sentence

We learnt how to write simple sentences. 

First we revised time states present, past, and future  

Next we revised verb states: continuous, perfect and simple.

Then we learned what a simple sentence is. A sentence has a subject is an actor, verb is a doing word, object a reviser of an action. For example’she spoke’has a subject and a verb but ‘she spoke to him’ has a subject verb and object.

Lastly, we wrote simple sentences for  three photos. used the comments to write sentences.

I enjoyed  finding the verbs, objects and subjects . I am good at identifying object verbs and subjects. I need to improve on making identifying objects and verbs quickly



We learned about characteristics.


First we defined characteristics. A characteristic is ”a feature or quality belonging typically to a person, place, or thing and serving to identify them”.


Then we drew a body outline, next we wrote the characteristics that are negative and positive to do with being a team member. The positive goes inside  the body outline, and negative is outside the body.


We liked this task because we had lots of fun making the body outline.

We did well at characteristics because it makes us focus but, we need to get better at  drawing body outlines.

Myah Wyatt Aarush Kayson Jenesis